Differential Pressure Transducers Calibration Procedure

Differential Pressure Transducers Calibration Procedure by M. Kojima, K. Saitou and T. Kobata (pdf download) - The indications of some types of differential pressure transducers are affected by the calibration procedure such as pressurization sequence, the line pressure and environmental conditions: it is known that hysteresis, zero drifts and span readings of some transducers depend on those parameters. When the calibrated transducer is used as a working standard in another calibration, therefore, it is necessary to use the same procedure as previous calibration. Otherwise, the calibration results sometimes differ according to the measurement condition.

As an example, the different calibration results obtained by two working standards which have different dependency on pressurization sequence are shown in the report. Also the line pressure dependency of a transducer was evaluated by changing the line pressure from 25 kPa to 175 kPa in the range of differential pressure from 1 Pa to 1000 Pa.

Keywords: differential pressure standard, pressure transducer, calibration protocol,
double pressure balances

In the following, two calibration methods are mentioned and the dependencies of transducers on
calibration procedure are described with calibration results.

1.1 Calibration Systems
1.1.1 Direct comparison with 2PB
Figure 1 shows a schematic layout of the calibration system using double pressure balances (2PB). At first, two pressure balances are connected to each

1.2 Calibration Procedure Dependency
1.2.2 Pressurization sequence dependency
The pressurization sequence for the comparative method should be similar as that is used in the pre-calibration for WS because some pressure transducers have hysteretic characteristics or different zero drifts according to the pressurization sequence.

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